
In this section we offer you contact information and useful data of hotel establishments and tourist apartments in Seville. Click on the different buttons to download the lists by type of accommodation.




Tourist apartments

Timetables, currency and language

Seville has the same time zone as Central Europe (GMT+1). Business hours are normally from Monday to Saturday, from 9:30 am to 8 pm, with particularities depending on the type of establishment and the area of the city.

The official currency in Seville is the euro and you can find currency exchange offices all over the city centre:

– Exact Change (Av. de la Constitución, 16 / 954 966 630)

– Exact Change (Av. de la Constitución, 34 / 954 912 093)

– Change Center (Calle Sierpes, 8 / 900 844 995)

– Best and Fast Change España (Av. de la Constitución, 26a / 955 34 16 00)

– Exchange Corner Caixabank (Av. de la Constitución, 24 / 609 96 09 08)

Spanish is spoken in Seville, although with a rather distinctive accent. However, if you are from another country and have little knowledge of Spanish, don’t worry, we are very used to understanding each other and making ourselves understood without any problems.

In Seville communication always flows.

How to get there

Seville is a destination open to the world, perfectly communicated with the main cities of Europe. You can get to Seville the way you like: by air, by road, by train… and even by sea. Choose your preferred means of transport, we are waiting for you!

By airplane

If you decide to fly to Seville, you will land at Seville Airport, also called San Pablo Airport. A first class airport in a city that has a long aeronautical tradition. Not in vain, next to the airport of Seville, extends one of the most important aeronautical complexes in Europe.

Seville Airport was enlarged in 1992, under a design by the prestigious architect Rafael Moneo. Its hall, dominated by arches supported by vaults, is a tribute to Sevillian and Andalusian culture.

The airport has an excellent parking, with access to the arrivals and departures halls, which offers all the necessary modalities: long, medium and short stay parking.

From Seville airport you can reach the center of Seville in just 15 minutes if you use your own car, rented or if you take a cab, and in about 35 minutes if you opt for the bus.

Seville Airport

A-4, Km. 532, 41020 Seville (8 km from downtown).
+34 954 44 90 00

Airport Special Bus (EA) (Single ticket: 4 €/Return ticket: 6 €) from Plaza de Armas or cab (between 22,20 and 24,75 € per way depending on date and time)

By train

You can reach Seville by train at any of its stations, and Seville is a pioneering city in the development of high-speed rail in Spain. In fact, in 1992 it was the inaugural destination of the first high-speed railway line to be built in our country.

Currently you can reach the Santa Justa Station on high-speed lines from Córdoba, Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona on the southwest-northeast AVE line and from Málaga through AVANT trains. And thanks to the high-speed connections with Europe, today a person could travel for example from London to Seville while still using the high speed.

Media Distancia trains run from San Bernardo Station, connecting Seville with Cádiz and Málaga. It forms part of the C-1, C-4 and C-5 lines of the Seville Cercanías network.

The location of both terminals is formidable, just a few minutes walk from the city centre.

Find out about the high-speed train companies operating in Seville: Renfe, Iryo and Avlo. You can search for the journey you need and consult the train timetables.

Santa Justa Train Station

Av. de Kansas City, 41007 Sevilla (1 km from center)
+34 902 432 343

Connections with bus lines (21, 28, 32, C1, C2, A7, A8, EA and LN) and cab ranks.

See more

San Bernardo Train Station

Calle Ramón Carande, S/N. 41004 Sevilla

Conexión con Metro y líneas de autobús 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 38, 52, B4, C1, C2, EA, LE, LN, A4, N29 y T1.

See more

By boat

Seville has access to the sea thanks to the Guadalquivir River, the only navigable river in Spain. For this reason, cruise ships full of travelers arrive in Seville every year. And they arrive at the very edge of the city center, a pedestrian crossing (literally) from Maria Luisa Park. Recently a new cruise terminal has been inaugurated given the boom that this type of tourism is having in Seville.

Arriving by boat in Seville has a special charm. Entering the Guadalquivir from the Atlantic Ocean through Sanlucar de Barrameda, and going up the river between the splendor of the Doñana National Park (biosphere reserve) and the rice paddies of the marshes is an experience you will not forget.

Cruise Terminal

Muelle de las Delicias, Seville (downtown)

Connections with bus lines (03, 06, 34 and A6) and cab ranks.

By road

Seville is perfectly communicated by road. A network of highways connects it from all cardinal points: the A-49 with Huelva and Portugal, the A-92 with Malaga and Granada, the A-4 with Cordoba and Madrid, the A-66 with Extremadura and the north of Spain.

The SE-30, the Ronda Super Norte and the SE-40 are the ring roads that facilitate the movement through the city and its metropolitan area.

Seville has two bus stations that connect it with national and international destinations.

Plaza de Armas bus station

Puente Cristo de la Expiración, 2, 41001 Seville (in the center)
+34 955 038 665

Connections with bus lines (03, 06, 43, A2, A7 and EA) and cab ranks.


Prado de San Sebastián bus station

Plaza Prado San Sebastián, S/N, 41004 Sevilla (downtown)
+34 955 479 290

Connections with metro (line 1), numerous bus lines and cab ranks.


Guides, maps and monuments

Do you need help to find your way around the city? In the following section we share with you guides and maps of Seville so that you can get around without any problems. We also include the opening times, prices and location of the monuments for you to enjoy them.